00:09:51 Hours On demand videos
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This material is training for those of you who want to be good as a learner. In this disruptive era, it is now imperative that people engage in lifelong learning. The traditional model, in which people focus their learning on the years before age 25, then get a job and devote little attention to education which after, is rapidly becoming obsolete. In the contemporary world, people can expect to switch jobs, see whole sectors disrupted, and need to develop additional skills as result of economic shifts. The type of work they do at age 30 likely will be substantially different from what they do at ages 40 or 50.
Director with 20 years of experience in extensive involvement in all levels of
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for both traditional and agile project management, and program development.
Dedicated and proactive with strong commitment in creating high-quality
professional services that provide tailored solutions for both organization and
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